
uffycm is from Italy, has been a member for 14 years and last logged in 14 years ago.

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Total 31 result(s), listing between 0 - 20.

Title Artist Pages Instruments Date Added Sheet
Deck the Halls Old Welsh Air 2 Vocal 4905d
O Tannenbaum Traditional 1 Vocal 4905d
tre pastorali di natale Bach 9 Piano, Vocal 4905d
O salutaris hostia Chopin 4 Vocal, Organ 4976d
venite a laudare Bach 2 Vocal 4976d
vieni spirito creatore Bach 1 Piano, Vocal 4976d
O salutaris Hostia Josquin des Prez 3 Piano, Vocal 4976d
voci di pace Massimo Marinai 2 Vocal, Organ 4976d
Trisagion arranged for choir Bach 2 Vocal 4976d
Trisagion Bach 2 Vocal 4976d -
Ave Maria Jacob Arcadelt 2 Vocal 5061d
Angeli Arcangeli Andres Gabrieli 4 Piano, Vocal 5061d
Aer Enim Volat Hildegard von Bingen 2 Piano, Vocal 5061d
alta reina soderana Bach 2 Vocal 5086d
ay santa maria Bach 2 Vocal 5086d
Gloria Marinai Massimo 5 Piano, Vocal 5086d
ricciolino d\'amor Bach 1 Vocal 5109d -
lodate Dio Bach 1 Vocal 5109d -
e io t\'amai Bach 2 Guitar, Vocal 5109d
lodate dio Bach 1 Piano, Guitar, Vocal 5117d