
CariKa is from Germany, has been a member for 15 years and last logged in 13 years ago.

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Total 9 result(s), listing between 0 - 9.

Title Artist Pages Instruments Date Added Sheet
A Prince Is Born Graham Kendrick 3 Piano, Vocal 4972d
Feliz Navidad A. Henri Yulianto 2 Guitar, Vocal 4972d
Whiter than the snow Mike Burn 2 Piano, Vocal 4973d
The Lion sleeps tonight Allen Potte 2 Piano, Guitar, Vocal 4973d
Somewhere Over The Rainbow The Wizard of Oz 4 Piano, Vocal 4973d
Ain\'t no mountain high enough Sister Act 2 Piano, Guitar, Vocal 4973d
Sailing Rod Stewart 2 Piano, Guitar 4973d
nothing else matters The Drum Play-Along System 2 Piano, Vocal 4973d -
In the arms of the angel Sarah Maclachlan 6 Piano, Vocal 4973d -