
joaof87 is from Portugal, has been a member for 14 years and last logged in 13 years ago.

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Total 12 result(s), listing between 0 - 12.

Title Artist Pages Instruments Date Added Sheet
Trois oiseaux Delibes 9 Piano, Vocal 5039d
El desdichado Camille Saint-Saƫns 11 Piano, Vocal 5039d
Le Villi (Vocal score) Sarah Brightman 126 Piano, Vocal 5084d
Lord - SATB Roger Quilter 4 Vocal, Organ 5085d
Sea pictures Percy Grainger 48 Piano, Vocal 5085d -
18 Songs for high voice Roger Quilter 73 Piano, Vocal 5085d
rest and Forget Frances Waddington 5 Piano, Vocal 5085d
Beautiful Dreamer Chuck Pelletier 2 Piano, Vocal 5089d
Song book stephen Foster Chuck Pelletier 47 Piano, Vocal 5091d
Reliquary of English Song 1250-1700 Frank Hunter Porter 136 Piano, Vocal 5091d
Libertango Astor Piazolla 12 Bass 5091d
Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt Tchaikovsky 6 Piano, Vocal 5091d