
PhilosopherKing is from Lithuania, has been a member for 14 years and last logged in 13 years ago.

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Total 13 result(s), listing between 0 - 13.

Title Artist Pages Instruments Date Added Sheet
I giorni Ludovico Einaudi 6 Piano 4809d -
Every Breath You Take Bach 5 Piano, Vocal 5081d -
Englishman In New York Bach 6 Piano, Vocal 5081d -
Shape of my heart Bach 7 Piano, Vocal 5081d -
Moonlight Sonata [Full] Bach 25 Piano 5081d -
earth song Michael Jackson 2 Piano 5081d -
Long, Long Time Ago Pans Labyrinth 2 Piano 5081d -
Mad World Gary Jules 3 Piano 5081d -
Blue And Yellow The Used 13 Piano 5081d -
Strawberry Fields Forever )organ; complete) The Rain 2 Organ 5081d
Strawberry Fields Forever The Rain 1 Organ 5081d -
Requiem For a Dream Clint Mansell 2 Piano 5081d -
The Heart Asks Pleasure First Michael Nyman 6 Piano 5081d -