
EDHein is from Denmark, has been a member for 14 years and last logged in 14 years ago.

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Latest Requests Of EDHein EDHein's Latest Requests Feed

Total 17 result(s), listing between 0 - 17.

Title Artist Pages Instruments Date Added Sheet
Never coming home Bach 5 Piano, Guitar, Vocal, Bass 5050d
Roxanne The Police 8 Piano, Drum, Guitar, Bass 5050d -
I feel it all Feist 5 Piano, Guitar, Vocal, Bass 5056d
Den jeg elsker Sanne Salomonsen 1 Piano, Guitar, Vocal, Bass 5058d
Amazing Grace Traditional 2 Piano, Vocal, Bass 5059d
Feel like making love Eugene McDaniels 1 Piano, Guitar, Bass 5069d
Vågner i natten Steen Christiansen 1 Piano, Guitar, Vocal, Bass 5107d
Luck of the irish Castle in the sky 3 Piano, Guitar, Vocal, Bass 5133d
Sittin\' at the dock of the bay Otis Redding 6 Piano, Guitar, Trumpet, Vocal, Saxophone, Bass 5139d
I want it all Nicole Russo 4 Piano, Guitar, Vocal, Bass 5147d
As Michael Jackson 4 Piano, Guitar, Vocal, Bass 5148d
Heal The World Michael Jackson 7 Piano, Guitar, Bass 5149d -
You don\'t know my name Alicia Keys 9 Piano, Guitar, Bass 5149d -
Roxanne Bach 8 Drum, Guitar, Vocal, Bass 5154d
Killing Me Softly Roberta Flack 6 Piano, Guitar, Vocal, Bass 5154d -