
bpgjespers is from Belgium, has been a member for 15 years and last logged in 14 years ago.

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Latest Sheets Of bpgjespers bpgjespers's Latest Sheets Feed
Latest Requests Of bpgjespers bpgjespers's Latest Requests Feed

Total 23 result(s), listing between 0 - 20.

Title Artist Pages Instruments Date Added Sheet
dona eis requiem SSAATTBB BramJespers 4 Vocal 5031d
Agnus Dei Samuel Barber 1 Vocal 5031d
Kyrie missa brevis Grzegorz Miśkiewicz 5 Vocal 5045d
panis angelicus Grzegorz Miśkiewicz 6 Vocal 5045d
Maria Mater Gratie Grzegorz Miśkiewicz 7 Vocal 5045d
the bucks of Oranmore Bach 1 Flute 5045d -
Within these sacred bowers Mozart 3 Piano, Vocal 5045d -
pater nostre Javier Busto Sagrado 2 Piano, Vocal 5046d -
Madrigal qui jamais vue Vincen d'Indy 2 Piano, Vocal 5046d
Ave Maria Laurent Coulomb 2 Piano, Vocal 5054d
within these sacred hours Mozart 3 Piano, Vocal 5178d
a coz zta dziecina Bach 3 Piano, Vocal 5178d
Romance Rodion Shchedrin 3 Piano, Vocal 5178d -
have mercy upon me Gregorio Allegri 14 Piano, Vocal 5178d -
Ave Maria Charles Gounod 4 Piano, Vocal 5178d
Complainte de Fualdes Bach 1 Vocal 5229d
bonne nuit Jules Massenet 3 Piano, Vocal 5229d
komm, süsser tod Bach 1 Piano, Vocal 5229d
Ave Maria Guarani Sarah Brightman 2 Vocal 5229d -
The Call Thomas Tallis 2 Piano, Vocal 5229d