turedemn is from Viet Nam, has been a member for 9 years and last logged in 9 years ago.
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5 Humorous Love Poems Amusing Love Poems When most people consider love poems, they think of serious and soulful expressions of fire. Long sonnets by Shakespeare or romantic poems by Browning and Lord Byron will be the standard for love poetry. However, amusing love poems may be good for a laugh. They might not be romantic, but they do give your friends something to enjoy. A number of the very best funny love poems are limericks. Limericks began in Ireland and follow a standard type affilorama scam or not lines along with a rhyme scheme of aabba. Here are a couple limericks written by anonymous authors: Who married three wives at a time He replied, "One's absurd! And bigamy, Mister, is a crime." There was a young chap named Hammer Whose had an ill-fated stammer "The b-bane of my life" Said he, "Is m-m-my wife D-d-d-d-d-d-damn 'er!" But she started to curse She said next time I'll date a baker! There was a young lady named Constance, From lads she wouldn't bear any nonsense. If her partners developed deft She would direct with seo pressor outcomes wouldn't weigh on her conscience. My honey and I are only wed. Two weeks she's been spending. It was time never ending. We are a huge number of pounds in the red! Limericks are reasonably easy to write when you can rhyme nicely, and that means you may try writing a limerick yourself that comprises the name of your friend or loved one. This can be a great way to create a comical love poem that's personalized. You can find more details about humorous poems |
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