
webshaun is from Canada, has been a member for 11 years and last logged in 10 years ago.

Trade Policy:

Hi there! I'm always up for sharing music, even if there isn't something I'd like in return. So please ask!

However, if you don't have any sheets listed I will assume you are collecting but not sharing your music. Let's all be nice and share equitably.

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Latest Sheets (35)

Title Artist Pages Instruments Date Added File
Wicked (Musical Score) Mariah Carey 337 Piano 3785d -
Smash Season 1 Songbook Marc Shaiman 71 Piano 3785d -
Hoppipolla Sigur Ros 7 Piano 3785d -
Rocky Horror Picture Show Vocal Selections Richard O'Brien 86 Piano 3785d -
Truman Sleeps (Truman Show) Philip Glass 2 Piano 3785d -
Once (Musical Songbook) Glen hansard 80 Piano 3785d -
Etude Allegro Yoshinao Nakada 6 Piano 3785d -
Come What May (Moulin Rouge) David Baerwald 7 Piano 3785d -
Christmas Songbook Bach 99 Piano 3785d -
Number Ones Michael Jackson 129 Piano 3785d -

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