
lachrymosa is from United States, has been a member for 13 years and last logged in 11 years ago.

Trade Policy:

Make your request very specific; I have lots of sheets with the same title. I will give you the sheet you want, but trade is not necessary. If you want more than 5 sheets, trade WILL be required.


-Remember to put your e-mail address in with your request or you won't get the sheet.

-I keep getting messages saying "Send me this," or "Send me that," but understand: Your messages do not show me what sheet you want. Tell me exactly which sheet you want.

-Be polite. I will not hand out sheets to people sending messages that say stuff like: "Send me 'My Immortal,'" or "I want your Evanescence sheets." I'm not just going to give away sheets to rude people. I'm being nice and offering everyone my sheets. I'm not asking much in return. A "please" and "thank you" is all.

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Latest Sheets Of lachrymosa lachrymosa's Latest Sheets Feed
Latest Requests Of lachrymosa lachrymosa's Latest Requests Feed

Latest Sheets (205)

Title Artist Pages Instruments Date Added File
Before the Rain Evanescence 5 Piano 4495d -
Anywhere Evanescence 11 Piano, Vocal 4495d -
Anywhere Evanescence 7 Piano 4495d -
Never Go Back Evanescence 7 Piano 4495d -
Even in Death Evanescence 7 Piano 4495d -
Snow White Queen Evanescence 7 Piano, Vocal 4495d -
The Change Evanescence 11 Piano, Vocal 4501d
Oceans Evanescence 11 Piano, Vocal 4501d
Away From Me Evanescence 7 Piano, Vocal 4501d
Anything For You Evanescence 9 Piano 4504d

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