
dirkvangeel is from Belgium, has been a member for 15 years and last logged in 14 years ago.

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Total 10 result(s), listing between 0 - 10.

Title Artist Pages Instruments Date Added Sheet
Four brothers Jimmy Giuffre 56 Piano, Drum, Guitar, Trumpet, Clarinet, Saxophone, Bass 5190d
The best of earth wind & fire Earth Wind & Fire 62 Piano, Drum, Guitar, Trumpet, Clarinet, Saxophone, Horn, Bass 5190d
24 Italian songs and arias Bach 108 Vocal 5190d -
Great Piano Solos - The Film Book Bach 157 Piano 5190d -
It's easy to play piano duets Frank Booth 47 Piano 5190d
It's easy to play new film themes 1 It's easy to play new film themes 48 Piano 5406d
Jazz piano collection Wynton Kelly 92 Piano 5409d -
Greatest hits 1969-1999 Bach 141 Piano, Guitar, Vocal 5409d -
Amistad Bach 34 Piano, Guitar, Vocal 5409d -
après un rêve Gabriel Urbain Fauré 5 Piano 5409d -