Howls Moving Castle
Howl's Moving Castle is a 2004 Japanese animated steampunk fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki of Studio Ghibli and based on Diana Wynne Jones' novel of the same name. Mamoru Hosoda, director of two seasons and one movie from the Digimon series, was originally selected to direct but abruptly left the project, leaving the then retired Miyazaki to take up the director's role.
The film had its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival on September 5, 2004 and was released in Japanese theaters on November 20, 2004. It went on to gross $231,710,455 worldwide, making it one of the most financially successful Japanese films in history. The film was subsequently dubbed into English by Pixar's Peter Docter and distributed in North America by Walt Disney Pictures. It received a limited release in the United States and Canada beginning June 10, 2005 and was released nationwide in Australia on September 22 and in the UK the following September.
The film had its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival on September 5, 2004 and was released in Japanese theaters on November 20, 2004. It went on to gross $231,710,455 worldwide, making it one of the most financially successful Japanese films in history. The film was subsequently dubbed into English by Pixar's Peter Docter and distributed in North America by Walt Disney Pictures. It received a limited release in the United States and Canada beginning June 10, 2005 and was released nationwide in Australia on September 22 and in the UK the following September.
Howls Moving Castle Latest Sheets Feed
Howls Moving Castle Latest Requests Feed
Total 5 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 5.
Song | Added By | Pages | Instruments | Sheet Type | File |
Merry Go Round of Life |
jtuck94 (1)
4426d ago
5 | Piano | Transcription | |
Howls Moving Castle theme page2 |
bansta (8)
4808d ago
2 | Piano, Accordion | Book | |
howls moving castle theme |
bansta (8)
4808d ago
2 | Piano, Accordion | Book | |
merrygoround |
killzone64 (22)
4961d ago
2 | Violin | Transcription | |
merry go round |
southtcguy (2)
5254d ago
7 | Piano | Other |