Hercules is a 1997 American animated musical feature film, produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures on June 27, 1997. The thirty-fifth animated feature in the Disney animated features canon, the film was directed by Ron Clements and John Musker. This movie was based on the legendary Greek mythology hero Heracles (known in the film by his Roman name, Hercules), the son of Zeus, in Greek mythology. The storyline also draws inspiration from The Karate Kid, Rocky, Superman: The Movie, and Superman II.
Though Hercules did not match the financial success of Disney's early-1990s releases, the film made $99 million in revenue in the United States during its theatrical release and $252,700,000 worldwide. The film is part of the Disney Renaissance that started in 1989 and ended in 1999. Hercules was later followed by the direct-to-video prequel Hercules: Zero to Hero, which served as a prequel to Hercules: The Animated Series, a syndicated Disney TV series focusing on Hercules during his time at the Prometheus academy.
Though Hercules did not match the financial success of Disney's early-1990s releases, the film made $99 million in revenue in the United States during its theatrical release and $252,700,000 worldwide. The film is part of the Disney Renaissance that started in 1989 and ended in 1999. Hercules was later followed by the direct-to-video prequel Hercules: Zero to Hero, which served as a prequel to Hercules: The Animated Series, a syndicated Disney TV series focusing on Hercules during his time at the Prometheus academy.
Hercules Latest Sheets Feed
Hercules Latest Requests Feed
Total 24 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 20.
Song | Added By | Pages | Instruments | Sheet Type | File |
Hercules songbook |
dirrtymonkey (9)
4402d ago
50 | Piano | Original | |
Go The Distance |
klingchan (1)
4629d ago
5 | Piano | Transcription | |
i won't say i'm in love |
lauraxjim (6)
4878d ago
5 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Original | |
I Won't Say (I'm in Love) |
lovejb (15)
4906d ago
5 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Original | |
Go The Distance |
maarkm (4)
4932d ago
4 | Piano | Original | |
Go The Distance |
dcdwntwn (12)
4979d ago
8 | Piano | Original | |
Go The Distance |
tomboke (4)
4987d ago
4 | Piano, Vocal | Original | |
The Gosepl of Truth I |
pking327 (9)
5026d ago
5 | Piano, Vocal | Original | |
I Can Go The Distance |
pking327 (9)
5039d ago
6 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Original | |
Distance |
alotoftreble (1)
5052d ago
5 | Piano | Book | |
I wont Say I'm in Love |
NoMask (5)
5074d ago
8 | Piano, Clarinet, Vocal | Transcription | |
i won't say i'm in love |
megannh6349 (2)
5083d ago
5 | Piano, Vocal | Other | |
Go The distance (tag) |
supahluigi123 (1)
5085d ago
2 | Vocal | Transcription | |
Zero to Hero |
peturhelgi (2)
5119d ago
8 | Piano | Book | |
I wont Say I'm in Love |
joehud10 (1)
5142d ago
7 | Piano | Original | |
Go The Distance |
colgall5 (24)
5169d ago
5 | Vocal | Other | |
Go The Distance |
monkeybeast (3)
5187d ago
1 | Piano | Original | |
wont say i'm in love |
jamiewein89 (5)
5190d ago
5 | Piano, Vocal | Original | |
Go The Distance |
kovalski (5)
5228d ago
6 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Original | |
won't say i'm in love |
elson1800 (1)
5258d ago
5 | Piano, Vocal | Transcription |