The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid is a 1989 animated feature produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation with pencil test began on September 23, 1988 and first released on November 17, 1989 by Walt Disney Pictures with the first Wallace and Gromit short film, A Grand Day Out. The twenty-eighth animated feature in the Disney animated features canon, the film is based on the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale "The Little Mermaid." During its initial release, it grossed over $84 million in the United States and an additional $99 million internationally.
The film is given credit for breathing life back into the animated feature film genre after a string of critical and commercial failures that had dated to the early 1980s. It also marked the start of the era known as Disney Renaissance.
A stage adaptation of the film with a book by Doug Wright and additional songs by Alan Menken and new lyricist Glenn Slater opened in Denver in July 2007 and began performances on Broadway.
The Little Mermaid: An Original Walt Disney Records Soundtrack is the soundtrack to Disney's 1989 animated feature The Little Mermaid. It contains the songs from the film written by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman, as well as the film's score composed by Alan Menken. The album received the Academy Award for Best Original Score and the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score.
In October 2006, a new two-disc special edition version of the soundtrack was released to correspond with the two-disc Platinum Edition DVD release of The Little Mermaid. The first disc remains identical to the original release, yet with remastered audio, while the newly added second disc is composed of various newly recorded version of the film's songs by different artists, such as Ashley Tisdale, Raven-Symoné, The Jonas Brothers, and Jessica Simpson. It also includeds two videos, as well as new cover art.
The film is given credit for breathing life back into the animated feature film genre after a string of critical and commercial failures that had dated to the early 1980s. It also marked the start of the era known as Disney Renaissance.
A stage adaptation of the film with a book by Doug Wright and additional songs by Alan Menken and new lyricist Glenn Slater opened in Denver in July 2007 and began performances on Broadway.
The Little Mermaid: An Original Walt Disney Records Soundtrack is the soundtrack to Disney's 1989 animated feature The Little Mermaid. It contains the songs from the film written by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman, as well as the film's score composed by Alan Menken. The album received the Academy Award for Best Original Score and the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score.
In October 2006, a new two-disc special edition version of the soundtrack was released to correspond with the two-disc Platinum Edition DVD release of The Little Mermaid. The first disc remains identical to the original release, yet with remastered audio, while the newly added second disc is composed of various newly recorded version of the film's songs by different artists, such as Ashley Tisdale, Raven-Symoné, The Jonas Brothers, and Jessica Simpson. It also includeds two videos, as well as new cover art.
The Little Mermaid Latest Sheets Feed
The Little Mermaid Latest Requests Feed
Total 43 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 20.
Song | Added By | Pages | Instruments | Sheet Type | File |
Under The Sea |
tina_3107 (88)
2638d ago
11 | Piano, Vocal | Original | |
The world above |
tina_3107 (88)
2638d ago
4 | Piano, Vocal | Original | |
part of your world |
dreamcoat (138)
3658d ago
8 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Original | |
Under The Sea |
dreamcoat (138)
3714d ago
11 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Original | |
Under the sea - The little mermaid |
zero1 (1)
4772d ago
2 | Piano, Vocal | Original | |
Part of this world |
suzitinks (29)
4809d ago
2 | Piano | Original | |
Part Of Your World |
agus2011 (2)
4849d ago
8 | Piano, Vocal | Book | |
Part Of Your World |
jared_909 (7)
4882d ago
8 | Piano | Book | |
Part Of Your World |
KirstenA (6)
4900d ago
8 | Piano | Other | |
if only |
dramaticdar13 (3)
4905d ago
13 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Other | |
part of your world |
aeonalan07 (1)
4927d ago
9 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Transcription | |
Part Of Your World |
BiHForever (4)
4954d ago
8 | Piano, Vocal | Other | |
part of your world |
berengec (23)
4967d ago
5 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Original | |
part of your world |
Sain.Vantomme (6)
4986d ago
8 | Piano, Vocal | Original | |
Part Of Your World |
justicedrama (4)
4997d ago
6 | Piano, Vocal | Other | |
Under The Sea |
mirokumayasaki (2)
5000d ago
11 | Piano, Vocal | Original | |
a part of your world |
dannarose (1)
5010d ago
1 | Piano | Other | |
Part Of Your World |
timafa (15)
5011d ago
8 | Piano, Flute, Vocal | Original | |
Poor Unfortunate Souls |
Jonathan-san (9)
5017d ago
8 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Original | |
Part Of Your World |
sabablah (21)
5022d ago
8 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Original |