Stephen Jacob

Stephen Jacob

Stephen JacobStephen Jacob is an artist whose forte is instrumental music for the soul. He is nationally known as a performer and speaker, having worked with such notables as Bernie Siegel, M. Scott Peck, Maya Angelou, Mark Victor Hansen, Joan Borysenko and Larry Dossey. Besides composing and performing music, his passions include writing and reciting poetry, story-telling, and workshops on "Living Life Fully!" He is described by his audiences as "warm", "real", "passionate", "inspirational", "very gifted" and a "soul connector". He also loves sailing, body-surfing, hiking, biking, reading, and sharing good food and fellowship with friends!

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Total 3 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 3.
Song Added By Pages Instruments Sheet Type File
roses avernie (14)
5038d ago
8 Piano Original
maui avernie (14)
5038d ago
10 Piano Original
nancita avernie (14)
5038d ago
5 Piano Original