Jacques Féréol Mazas

Jacques Féréol Mazas

Jacques Féréol MazasBorn in Lavaur, Mazas was a pupil of Pierre Baillot at the Paris Conservatoire, from which he received the first prize in 1805. In 1808, he played a violin concerto dedicated to him by Auber. He then performed widely across Europe. In 1831, he accepted the post of first violin at the Théâtre du Palais-Royal. A short time later, he was appointed Directeur des concerts in Orléans, where he directed that city's Opéra Comique theatre. From 1837 to 1841, he was director of the Conservatoire in Cambrai.

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Trio swedish6 (80)
5068d ago
50 Cello, Violin Original