Jean-Baptiste Bréval

Jean-Baptiste Bréval

Jean-Baptiste BrévalJean-Baptiste Sebastien Bréval (6 November 1753 – 18 March 1823) was a French cellist and composer. He wrote mostly for his own instrument, including pedagogical works as well as virtuoso display pieces.Bréval was born in Paris, and went on to study with François Cupis (1735-1810) and Martin Berteau. By 1774, he was an active cello teacher. In 1775, he published his opus 1, six concertante quartets. In 1776, he became a member of the «Société Académique des Enfants d'Apollon». Kicking off his career by performing one of his sonatas at a Concert Spirituel in 1778, he became a member of their orchestra from 1781 to 1791, and from 1791 to 1800 he played in the orchestra of the Théâtre Feydeau.Later he became involved in the administration of the «Concerts de la rue de Cléry» and a member of the Paris Opera orchestra. He retired from the orchestra in 1816. The Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung states that Bréval taught at the Conservatoire although this can not be verified by Conservatoire documents. However, Bréval's compositions were definitely used for instruction at the Conservatoire. Bréval died in Colligis, Aisne.

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Total 3 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 3.
Song Added By Pages Instruments Sheet Type File
Sonata in C major: 1. mvt Allegro black666 (15)
4790d ago
10 Piano, Cello Other
Cello sonata in C sammet (5)
5091d ago
5 Cello Original
Aria julieramirovna (12)
5407d ago
1 Violin Transcription