Joseph Reinagle

Joseph Reinagle

Joseph ReinagleJoseph Reinagle (1762 – 12 November 1825) was a music composer and popular cellist of the 18th century.Joseph Reinagle, the son of a German musician resident in England, was born in Portsmouth in 1762. He was the brother of Alexander Reinagle. He was at first intended for the navy, but became apprentice to a jeweller in Edinburgh. Then, adopting music as a profession, he studied the French horn and trumpet with his father, and soon appeared in public as a player of those instruments. Acting on medical advice, he abandoned the wind instruments, and studied the violoncello under Schetky (who married his sister), and the violin under Aragoni. He succeeded so well that he was appointed leader of the Edinburgh Theatre band. After appearing as a cellist in London, he went in 1784 to Dublin, where he remained for two years. Returning to London, he took a prominent position in the chief orchestras, and was principal cello at the Salomon concerts under Haydn, who showed him much kindness. Engaged to play at the Oxford concerts, he was so well received that he settled in the city and died there in November 1825.

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Total 2 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 2.
Song Added By Pages Instruments Sheet Type File
Promenade apmt (21)
4959d ago
1 Piano Original
Duetto XI brumisjudit (5)
5087d ago
5 Cello Original