Lars Magnus Béen

Lars Magnus Béen

Lars Magnus BéenLars Magnus Béen, born December 5, 1820 in Helsingborg City Council, died August 19, 1905, was a Swedish church musician and composer.Béen was a musician (squadron trumpeter, promoted to staff trumpeter in 1844) at the Scanian Hussar Regiment 1838–1858. He studied to be an organist at the Royal Academy of Music's teaching body and graduated in 1850. From 1855 he was active as an organist in Allerum and Fleninge parishes. Béen was elected as an agré in the Royal Academy of Music in 1850 and became associate number 77 on February 28, 1857. One of his most famous compositions is Beautiful May, welcome. The melody was previously also used for the Easter song O, what joy, he lives, our Immanuel.

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