Sydney Smith

Sydney Smith

Sydney SmithSydney Smith (14 July 1839 – 3 March 1889) was a leading English pianist and composer in Victorian England.
Born in Dorchester, Dorset, Smith grew up in a family of musicians. His father was the head of a music school and often gave concerts with his two sons Sydney and Boyton. Smith studied piano in Leipzig with Ignaz Moscheles and Louis Plaidy, cello with Friedrich Grützmacher, and composition with Julius Rietz. He returned to England in 1858, settling the following year in London, where he remained until his death, highly regarded as a teacher and composer. He composed or transcribed about 400 works for the piano. These were extremely popular in salons in England in the 19th century, particularly the early works. Many pieces were issued both as solo pieces and as piano duets.

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Total 2 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 2.
Song Added By Pages Instruments Sheet Type File
Fandango Stanislava (26)
4965d ago
6 Piano Original
La DANZA alicelopez (1)
5090d ago
5 Piano Original