Isabella Leonarda

Isabella Leonarda

Isabella LeonardaIsabella Leonarda (6 September 1620 – 25 February 1704) was an Italian composer from Novara. At the age of 16, she entered the Collegio di Sant'Orsola, an Ursuline convent, where she stayed for the remainder of her life. Leonarda is most renowned for the numerous compositions that she created during her time at the convent, making her one of the most productive female composers of her time.

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Total 2 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 2.
Song Added By Pages Instruments Sheet Type File
Sicut Turtur [Op.VIII -] tamedbeast40 (32)
5087d ago
17 Piano, Vocal Original
Denudata Veritate arcuri.rodrigo (1)
5125d ago
1 Piano, Vocal Original