Fernando escobar

Fernando escobar

Fernando escobarComposer and bassist. Starts playing acoustic guitar and writing music empirically at the age of 16 and then, in 1994, joins as bass player of Catarsis in Caracas Venezuela, this time winning the 1st place of the V Inter-school New Bands Festival. In 1996 joins Quantum (cult band in latitude 0) where recorded an album under the record label FeDiscos in Guayaquil, Ecuador. In 2000 he joins Triaxial, a grunge band in the city of Valencia, Venezuela. In 2012 starts the Nomad project with his brother Luis Escobar, and then in 2013 this project became a formal band named NomadaSur, debuting live in "El Teatro Bar" on January 18 at Panama City, Panamá.

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Total 1 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 1.
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La chica de "El popo" Chevovillalobos (7)
5118d ago
1 Guitar Transcription