The Scorpions

The Scorpions

The ScorpionsScorpions are a German heavy metal band formed in 1965 in Hannover by Rudolf Schenker. Since the band's inception, its musical style has ranged from hard rock to heavy metal. The lineup from 1979 to 1992 was the most successful incarnation of the group, and included Klaus Meine (vocals), Rudolf Schenker (rhythm guitar), Matthias Jabs (lead guitar), Francis Buchholz (bass), and Herman Rarebell (drums). The band's only continuous member has been Schenker, although Meine has appeared on all of Scorpions' studio albums, while Jabs has been a consistent member since 1979, and bassist Paweł Mąciwoda and drummer Mikkey Dee have been in the band since 2003 and 2016 respectively.

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Total 3 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 3.
Song Added By Pages Instruments Sheet Type File
Still loving you Emmanouela (13)
5003d ago
6 Piano, Guitar, Vocal Book
Rock you like a hurricane ZanB (19)
5022d ago
6 Guitar Transcription
wind of change glasbergenaart (5)
5142d ago
3 Guitar Original