Faustin Jeanjean

Faustin Jeanjean

Faustin JeanjeanFaustin Paul Irénée Jeanjean (born December 5, 1900 in Pouzols-Minervois, Aude department; † April 19, 1979 in Pouzols-Minervois) was a French musician (trumpet and cornet) and orchestra leader in the field of swing and light music , who also worked as a composer of film music and classical music.family of musicians; his father Paul (1874–1928) and his brother Maurice (1897–1968) were also musicians and composers. He attended the conservatory, where he received first prize in the cornet category in 1920. In the early 1920s he played jazz music at Club Daunou, soon after in a formation that included Léo Vauchant, Roger Fisbach and Henri Colo-Bonnet and at the Cabaret Chateau et Caveau Caucasiens. In 1925, trombonist Guy Paquinet joined the band, which changed its name to Mélody Six. In 1925 Jeanjean also played in the Orchester Sazy at the Club Chateau de Madrid.

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Guisganderie Fabm (3)
5111d ago
2 Clarinet Original