Erik Gedeon

Erik Gedeon

Erik GedeonErik Gedeon (born December 7, 1963 in Bern, Switzerland) is a Swedish-Swiss author, director and composer working at German and Swedish theatres. life The son of Swedish-Swiss parents studied piano and composition in Bern (Switzerland) and Liège/Liège (Belgium). In 1993 he began working as a stage musician at the Schauspielhaus Hannover under the director at the time, Ulrich Khuon. This resulted in numerous incidental music for the Hanover theater (such as Angels in America, What you want, preparations for immortality or Nathan the Wise). He wrote the two programs No Other Way to the Magic Flute and The Simultaneity of Silence for the vocal group Jacqueline Kroll. In 1995 he wrote and staged for the Schloßtheater Celle Nothing knocks me out - but you, a play about the life and music of Cole Porter, and in 1996 the musical Seife. Since 1997 he has also produced his own works in Hanover: Götterfunken, Ein Mann zuviel, SCHNULZ!, Sentimental Journey, Wilfried Happel's FressOrgie and the musical program Forever Young.

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Total 5 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 5.
Song Added By Pages Instruments Sheet Type File
Oh, Happy Day WilliamsJ (2)
5111d ago
2 Vocal Other
Atonement for solo piano judytw (3)
5123d ago
72 Piano Book
As 101 Melhores Cancoes do Seculo XX - vol 1 bermudez (1)
5132d ago
159 Piano, Guitar, Vocal Book
5150d ago
55 Piano, Vocal Transcription
Book Audition Songs for Female Singers gisellegarbe (16)
5152d ago
53 Piano, Vocal Book