Maria Luisa Anido

Maria Luisa Anido

Maria Luisa AnidoMaría Luisa Anido (Isabel María Luisa Anido González) (26 January 1907 – 4 June 1996) was an Argentine classical guitarist and composer".Composing is a wonderful task because of the sincerity it carries within, because of the act of creation because it reveals the greatest depths of the human soul." — María Luisa Anido
María Luisa Anido has been one of the few female composer-performers of her time. Her compositions are mainly miniatures that reflect several aspects of her personality. Aire Norteño, her most popular piece, is a 'Bailecito', a little dance present in all festivities in north-western Argentina, which is generally accompanied by charangos, quenas and cajas. Anido frequently plays the bass notes pizzicato to emphasise the juxtaposition of 3/4 time in the bass and 6/8 in the melody, a characteristic that is frequently found in Argentine folklore.

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Total 2 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 2.
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Yukatan song Julian05 (23)
5138d ago
1 Guitar Original
Vidalita Julian05 (23)
5138d ago
1 Guitar Original