Maestro Gennaro Ruffolo was born in Cosenza in 1977 and, from an early age, at the age of seven he began studying the accordion first with Maestro Giacomo Carrisi and then with Maestro Paolo Gallina. Later he perfected himself with Maestro Carmine Di Marco, World Oscar of Composition in Los Angeles. He graduated in Classical Accordion with full marks under the guidance of Maestro Alessandro Mugnoz at the "G.B.Pergolesi" conservatory in Ancona. At the age of seventeen he received the silver lion at the Tommaso Coccione composition prize of Poggio Fiorito (CH) with the piece "MUSETTE A 'PARIS" published by Bèrben of Ancona. On 23 April 2013 he won 1st place overall at the International Festival unpublished pieces "Music without Words" held in Castelfidardo in the famous and renowned TEATRO ASTRA, with one of his songs entitled PIZZITANA.
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