Giovanni Battista Bassani

Giovanni Battista Bassani

Giovanni Battista BassaniGiovanni Battista Bassani (c. 1650 – 1 October 1716) was an Italian composer, violinist, and organist Bassani was born in Padua. It is thought that he studied in Venice under Daniele Castrovillari and in Ferrara under Giovanni Legrenzi. Charles Burney and John Hawkins claimed he taught Arcangelo Corelli, but there is no solid evidence for this assertion. He was an organist at the Accademia della Morte in Ferrara from 1667, but had probably left by 1675. He published his first music in 1677; the title page calls him maestro of music at the Confraternità della Morte in Finale Emilia, not far from Modena. He was maestro di cappella at Duke Alessandro II della Mirandola's court in 1680, and was elected principe at the Accademica Filarmonica in Bologna. He became maestro di cappella at the Accademia della Morte in Ferrara in 1683, and then maestro di cappella at Ferrara Cathedral in 1686. For his contributions to the musical life of Ferrara, he was often called "Bassani of Ferrara". He wrote 76 liturgically ordered services for use at Ferrara Cathedral between 1710 and 1712. He became director of music at Santa Maria Maggiore in Bergamo in 1712, and also taught at the Congregazione di Carità in the same city until his death.

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Total 2 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 2.
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Sinfonia avanti l'Oratorio [La Morte delusa], con Cornetto e altri Stromenti orviol (133)
5232d ago
5 Cello, Violin, Viola Other
Sonatas - 2,6,7 KatSachariason (4)
5446d ago
37 Cello, Violin Other