Juan Gutierrez de Padilla

Juan Gutierrez de Padilla

Juan Gutierrez de PadillaJuan Gutiérrez de Padilla (ca. 1590 – 1664) was a Spanish-Mexican composer of the Baroque period.He was born in Málaga, Spain but moved to Puebla, Mexico, in 1620 to compose music in the New World. At the time New Spain was a viceroyalty of Spain that included modern day Mexico, Guatemala, the Philippines and other parts of Central America and the Caribbean. Padilla is one of the more important composers represented in the manuscripts at Puebla, Mexico and the Hackenberry collection in Chicago, Illinois. He worked at Puebla de Los Angeles, Mexico, which in Baroque times was a bigger religious center than Mexico City itself. He was appointed maestro de capilla of Puebla Cathedral in 1628.

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Total 3 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 3.
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Versa est in luctum R4UL92 (51)
5078d ago
3 Vocal Transcription
Stabat Mater MtoReinaldo (2)
5082d ago
2 Vocal Original
Missa Ego flos campi jeff143 (15)
5149d ago
23 Vocal Transcription