Jean-Marie Londeix

Jean-Marie Londeix

Jean-Marie LondeixJean-Marie Londeix (20 September 1932) is a French saxophonist born in Libourne who studied saxophone, piano, harmony and chamber music.Jean-Marie Londeix began his saxophone study with bassoonist Jules Ferry at the Bordeaux Conservatory. He later studied with Marcel Mule at the Paris Conservatory. He also studied with Fernand Oubradous and Norbert Dufourcq, among others. He then served as the saxophone instructor at the Conservatory of Dijon for 18 years. He retired from the Conservatoire de Bordeaux, France in 2001.Jean-Marie Londeix won an international saxophone competition when he was 15 years old.

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Total 3 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 3.
Song Added By Pages Instruments Sheet Type File
Exercises Mechaniques saxkreczy (9)
4983d ago
41 Saxophone Original
Le Detache SWalker (63)
5144d ago
18 Saxophone Book
Tableaux Aquitains emvanderlaan (2)
5282d ago
3 Piano, Saxophone Other