Serge Duchêne

Serge Duchêne

Serge DuchêneI had approximately 9 where 10 years when I began the music in a battery(drum kit) - brass band.
Then I continued my road by way of a harmony where I learnt a lot. Some piano lessons later, than I
do not regrettably have to lead eventually(later) and a military service in the music of the 8th RT of
Suresnes, I learned about the direction(management) of harmony orchestra. I compose amateur, the
music has to remain a pleasure.

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Total 2 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 2.
Song Added By Pages Instruments Sheet Type File
C larinette-parade cindy0203 (8)
5015d ago
2 Piano Other
jeu de mains nikki91276 (28)
5183d ago
4 Piano Transcription