Shira Kammen

Shira Kammen

Shira KammenShira Kammen is a multi-instrumentalist and vocalist.She received her degree in music from the University of California, Berkeley and studied vielle with Margriet Tindemans. She has performed and taught throughout the world and has played on several television and movie soundtracks, including "O", a modern high school-setting of Othello. Her music was also licensed for the soundtrack of the video game Braid.She currently lives in El Cerrito, California.

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Total 3 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 3.
Song Added By Pages Instruments Sheet Type File
Downstream dangorironhide (1)
5138d ago
2 Guitar, Violin Transcription
Downstream MacFiddle (9)
5190d ago
2 Violin Original
Downstream equilibrium (2)
5375d ago
2 Piano, Guitar Original