Bruce and Emmett

Bruce and Emmett

Bruce and EmmettMany have called the era of the Civil War “the golden age of fifing and drumming.” Certainly the war inspired a large number of publications (and re-publications) of music for fifers and/or drummers, even as the improved technology of warfare would soon eliminate the fife and drum from the field music and eventually from military use altogether. One handbook in particular, The Drummer’s and Fifer’s Guide by George B. Bruce and Daniel D. Emmett, is often cited as the best example of military music of the period. But was it?

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Total 2 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 2.
Song Added By Pages Instruments Sheet Type File
Dixie WMWM (27)
5106d ago
3 Piano, Vocal Transcription
Downfall of Paris leemcd56 (5)
5177d ago
1 Drum Transcription