Marten Jansson

Marten Jansson

Marten JanssonMy music is my own and I have never tried to be original. That has always been my motto and I have only tried to use music to express all the feelings life consists of. This has led people to describe my music as both ”so sad that it sounds like birds who have lost their wings” and ”the happiest classical music we ever heard”. I have also always preferred beautiful music to atonal music and that is surely the reason why the most part of my music is more on the sad side – but what a dream it would be to be able to create beautiful music that’s bubbling over with joy! My compositions consist of almost only sacral music. This is to express my own faith but also my appreciation and respect for the timeless texts that have been used for centuries after centuries.

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Total 3 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 3.
Song Added By Pages Instruments Sheet Type File
Prudence matisse (10)
5039d ago
2 Piano Original
Ave Maria absangalang (3)
5067d ago
1 Piano, Vocal Original
4 Mains mrmusicm (1)
5197d ago
2 Piano Original