The Muppet Show
The Muppet Show is a British and American television program featuring a cast of Muppets which was produced by Jim Henson and his team from 1976 to 1981. The show stars Kermit the Frog, who was also a regular on Sesame Street. Whereas Kermit was a happy, perky and somewhat avuncular character on Sesame Street, here he is trying to keep control of the varied, outrageous, kinetic Muppet characters (and his temper), as well as keep the human guest stars happy and secure, an aspect of his personality that made it into his Sesame Street character following the start of The Muppet Show. The television show depicted a vaudeville- or music hall-style song-and-dance variety show, as well as the backstage antics involved in putting the show on.
The show was known for outrageous, physical (slapstick), sometimes absurdist comedy, and particularly for using its puppet characters to create humorous parodies. Each show also featured a human star; after the show became popular, many celebrities were eager to perform with the Muppets on television and in film. By the end of its run, over one hundred guest stars had appeared on The Muppet Show.
Muppet performers over the course of the show include Jim Henson, Frank Oz, Jerry Nelson, Richard Hunt, Dave Goelz, Steve Whitmire, Louise Gold, Kathy Mullen, Eren Ozker, and John Lovelady. Jerry Juhl and Jack Burns were two of the show writers.
The show was known for outrageous, physical (slapstick), sometimes absurdist comedy, and particularly for using its puppet characters to create humorous parodies. Each show also featured a human star; after the show became popular, many celebrities were eager to perform with the Muppets on television and in film. By the end of its run, over one hundred guest stars had appeared on The Muppet Show.
Muppet performers over the course of the show include Jim Henson, Frank Oz, Jerry Nelson, Richard Hunt, Dave Goelz, Steve Whitmire, Louise Gold, Kathy Mullen, Eren Ozker, and John Lovelady. Jerry Juhl and Jack Burns were two of the show writers.
The Muppet Show Latest Sheets Feed
The Muppet Show Latest Requests Feed
Total 22 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 20.
Song | Added By | Pages | Instruments | Sheet Type | File |
The Muppet Show Theme |
amadeus3 (5)
3731d ago
3 | Piano | Transcription | |
Rainbow Connection |
singer41 (1)
3788d ago
5 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Other | |
The Muppet Show - Theme |
MarekT (2)
4090d ago
4 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Other | |
The Rainbow Connection |
crazeebeans (1)
4888d ago
5 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Original | |
muppet show |
newquaybear (4)
4912d ago
1 | Piano, Guitar | Original | |
The Rainbow Connection |
johncruz (26)
4932d ago
5 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Original | |
The Muppet Show Theme |
MalditosLunes (29)
4983d ago
1 | Saxophone | Original | |
Theme |
Mr.Anderson (12)
5002d ago
2 | Saxophone | Transcription | |
Muppet Show Theme Song |
ThexGirlxWonder (4)
5010d ago
3 | Piano, Vocal | Transcription | |
The mupprt show theme |
kobyb (5)
5046d ago
15 | Trumpet, Clarinet, Flute, Saxophone | Other | |
Subscribe Theme Song |
Em.ily.113 (9)
5077d ago
6 | Piano, Trumpet, Bass | Transcription | |
Muppet Theme - trombone version |
hannahkae (9)
5085d ago
6 | Piano, Horn, Bass | Transcription | |
The Muppet Show Theme |
dennispatmusic (3)
5101d ago
7 | Piano | Original | |
The Muppet Show Theme |
jothezette (1)
5107d ago
4 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Book | |
Rainbow Connection |
gnalie (2)
5142d ago
1 | Piano, Vocal | Transcription | |
Rainbow Connection |
gnalie (2)
5142d ago
5 | Piano, Vocal | Original | |
The Mupped Show Theme |
Michel_Unicorn (2)
5160d ago
25 | Piano, Drum, Guitar, Trumpet, Saxophone, Organ, Horn, Bass | Transcription | |
The Rainbow Connection |
caffegelato (18)
5172d ago
5 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Original | |
Muppet Show Theme |
robimagine (2)
5173d ago
3 | Guitar, Violin | Transcription | |
The Muppet Show Theme |
Crosslinho (5)
5243d ago
6 | Piano | Original |