

ScattertonesThe Scattertones is a student- run co-ed a cappella group at UCLA

Founded in 2002, they perform regularly on campus as well as in the Los Angeles area.

In addition, they have been featured on KTLA Channel 5 Morning news, National Public Radio’s program ‘Says You’, and Barack Obama’s Presidential Campaign.

Performing a variety of music from pop, to jazz, R&B, musical theater, and rock styles, The ScatterTones create the melodies and rhythm using their own voices and beatboxer.

In addition, they compete annually at events like the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella (ICCA’s), as well as UCLA’s prestigious talent competition, Spring Sing.

The Scattertones have also produced 2 albums, ToasterScent and Blink. They are currently working on an anticipated new album to be released by Spring 2010.

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Total 1 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 1.
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Star Spangled Banner Melf635 (4)
5185d ago
2 Vocal Original