Judas Priest

Judas Priest

Judas PriestJudas Priest are an English heavy metal band formed in Birmingham in 1969. They have sold over 50 million copies of their albums, and are frequently ranked as one of the greatest metal bands of all time. Despite an innovative and pioneering body of work in the latter half of the 1970s, the band had struggled with indifferent record production and a lack of major commercial success until 1980, when they rose to commercial success with the album British Steel.The band's membership has seen much turnover, including a revolving cast of drummers in the 1970s and the departure of singer Rob Halford in 1992. The American singer Tim "Ripper" Owens replaced Halford in 1996 and recorded two albums with Judas Priest, before Halford returned to the band in 2003. The current line-up consists of Halford, guitarists Glenn Tipton and Richie Faulkner, bassist Ian Hill and drummer Scott Travis. The band's best-selling album is 1982's Screaming for Vengeance, with their most commercially successful line-up featuring Hill, Halford, Tipton, guitarist K. K. Downing, and drummer Dave Holland. Tipton and Hill are the only two members of the band to appear on every album.

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Total 7 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 7.
Song Added By Pages Instruments Sheet Type File
true trelokoritco (18)
4994d ago
5 Piano Original
electric eye 2 hugofender (3)
5088d ago
1 Guitar Original
electric eye 1 hugofender (3)
5088d ago
1 Guitar Original
electric eye 1 hugofender (3)
5088d ago
0 Guitar Tab
Painkiller japjani (21)
5223d ago
11 Guitar, Vocal Other
Before the Dawn xenia (1)
5431d ago
5 Piano Original
Before the Dawn stillogic (11)
5490d ago
2 Piano Transcription