Macross Frontier
Macross Frontier (マクロスF (フロンティア), Makurosu Furontia) is a Japanese anime television series and the third Japanese anime television series set in the Macross universe. It was broadcast on MBS from April 4, 2008 to September 26, 2008.Macross Frontier is the story of a human space colony fleet trying to find a habitable planet near the center of the Milky Way. The story focuses on three young adults (a famed pop singer, a private military pilot, and a rising pop singer) and the events that occur around them as the fleet faces a crisis of alien origin.
Macross Frontier Latest Sheets Feed
Macross Frontier Latest Requests Feed
Total 9 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 9.
Song | Added By | Pages | Instruments | Sheet Type | File |
Aimo Tori no Hito |
Fkieua-Chan (3)
4909d ago
3 | Violin | Transcription | |
Nyan Nyan Jingle |
LovePhaith (4)
4999d ago
1 | Violin | Transcription | |
Nyan Nyan Jingle |
fafa (68)
5019d ago
1 | Violin | Transcription | |
Voices |
schezarde (13)
5038d ago
3 | Piano, Vocal | Other | |
Aimo~ Tori No Hito |
Leximariah (12)
5101d ago
3 | Piano | Other | |
aimo |
lavst (2)
5101d ago
3 | Violin | Other | |
anime piano nantoka |
girlsrnu1 (79)
5119d ago
11 | Piano | Transcription | |
Anime Piano |
Maymo (9)
5129d ago
11 | Piano | Transcription | |
Aimo tori no hito |
Pianogirly01 (4)
5216d ago
2 | Piano | Other |