PATRICK HEENEYHeeney was born at 101 Lower Mecklenburgh Street (now Railway Street) in Dublin. He was the son of a local grocer and attended St. Patrick’s National School at 13 Mecklenburgh Street. He was a member of the Col. John O’Mahoney Hurling Club. A 1975 memoir of Peadar Kearney states Heeney initially worked for the postal service before taking employment as a bagman at Hickey's Drapers in North Earl Street. One individual of the correct age named "Patrick Heaney" is listed living in Dublin in the 1901 census as one of four unmarried siblings at 242 Township Cottages (now Gulistan Cottages), Rathmines. This seems very likely to be the composer since this man's job is listed as a "town postman". He is listed at the 31 Gulistan Cottages in the 1911 census (conducted in April, two months before the composer's death) along with a wife, Catherine, and a nine-month-old son, William.

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