Ivan LUKAČIĆLukačić's exact date of birth is unknown; in 1587 he was baptised in Šibenik where it is believed he was born. Ten years later he entered the Franciscan order when he accepted his monastic name Ivan. In 1600 he was sent to Italy where he studied theology and music. In 1612 he has signed himself as baccalaureus, while on 23 March 1615 he was awarded in Rome the degree of Magister Musices (master of music). In 1614 he participated as maestro di cappella at the feast of St Jerome in the Saint Jerome of the Slavs church in Rome. He returned to Šibenik in 1618 and two years later he moved to Split, where he became prior of the Franciscan monastery in addition to being director of music at the Cathedral, where he lived until his death. While Lukačić's sojourn in Italy is insufficiently documented, his engagement in Split, both as a prior and musician, left quite a record of first-class importance for the musical life of that time in Dalmatia.

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Ex ore infantium elshakey (27)
5015d ago
5 Piano, Vocal Original
Cantabo Domino mm-s (2)
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5 Piano, Vocal, Organ Transcription