Steven Tanoto

Steven Tanoto

Steven TanotoSteven’s earliest compositions were strongly influenced by the American Minimalist movement introduced to him by his first music and composition teachers Leong Dee Yinn and the Malaysian composer Adeline Wong.Steven studied composition at the Elder Conservatorium of Music in Adelaide, South Australia with Stephen Whittington, Graeme Koehne, and Charles Bodman Rae. Groups that have performed his works include the Australian String Quartet and the Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra. This lead to commissions from other individuals and ensembles, including Bella Voce and the Eclectica Trio.

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Total 3 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 3.
Song Added By Pages Instruments Sheet Type File
Fake Wings RockerGirl96 (15)
5113d ago
1 Trumpet, Clarinet, Flute, Saxophone Other
Fake Wings RockerGirl96 (15)
5113d ago
1 Trumpet, Clarinet, Flute, Horn Other
bassoon concerto in Bflat major dreamzfantasy (26)
5264d ago
28 Cello, Violin, Viola, Bass, Bassoon Other