Air (anime)
Air is a 2005 Japanese anime drama film directed by Osamu Dezaki and written by Makoto Nakamura based on the visual novel Air by Key. Originally, the film was set for a release date in autumn 2004, but was delayed; the film finally premiered in Japanese theaters on February 5, 2005.
Air (anime) Latest Sheets Feed
Air (anime) Latest Requests Feed
Total 3 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 3.
Song | Added By | Pages | Instruments | Sheet Type | File |
Tori no uta |
gahta (12)
5010d ago
7 | Piano | Original | |
Farewell song |
norah85 (12)
5203d ago
3 | Piano | Transcription | |
Tori no uta |
norah85 (12)
5203d ago
5 | Piano | Transcription |