Chris Mosdell

Chris Mosdell

Chris MosdellChristopher John Mosdell (born 9 November 1949) is a British lyricist, poet, author, composer, vocalist and illustrator based in Tokyo, Japan, and New York City, United States.He has collaborated with an extensive array of musicians and artists, though he is especially known for his work with Yellow Magic Orchestra and the poet Shuntarō Tanikawa. His interactive audio-visual album Equasian, featuring an experimentation with "VISIC" (visual music), melded his scientific background into a musical framework, and his Oracles of Distraction, a set of poetic cards set to musical coordinates, further expanded his lyrical idiom.

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Total 1 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 1.
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The Wolf Whistling Song ling4000 (1)
5274d ago
3 Piano, Vocal Original