Witch Hunter Robin
Witch Hunter Robin (stylized as Witch Hunter ROBIN) is a 2002 Japanese anime series created by Sunrise and animation director Shūkō Murase. The series follows a fictional Japanese branch of a secret global organization called "SOLOMON" or the "Solomon Toukatsu Nin'idantai" (roughly "Solomon Executive Organization"), abbreviated as "STN" or "STN-J". Solomon fights the harmful use of witchcraft using a database of witches, which includes those who have obtained the power of witchcraft through genetics and others who carry the gene (called "seeds") in order to arrest or eliminate them should their powers "awaken". The series focuses on one STN-J member, Robin Sena.
Witch Hunter Robin Latest Sheets Feed
Witch Hunter Robin Latest Requests Feed
Total 2 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 2.
Song | Added By | Pages | Instruments | Sheet Type | File |
Shell |
charlesla301 (11)
5007d ago
4 | Piano | Transcription | |
Harry's |
unversedthought (3)
5249d ago
2 | Piano | Original |