Lewis Edgar Jones

Lewis Edgar Jones

Lewis Edgar JonesLewis was the son of Lew­is Wes­ley Jones and Fran­ces A. Ta­ber, and hus­band of Lo­ra Wright.He at­tend­ed the Moo­dy Bi­ble Ins­ti­tute in Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois, where he was a class­mate of ev­an­gel­ist Bil­ly Sun­day.After gra­du­a­tion, he worked for the Young Men’s Chris­tian As­so­ci­a­tion (YMCA) in Da­ven­port, Io­wa; Fort Worth, Tex­as (1915); and San­ta Bar­ba­ra, Ca­li­for­nia (1925). Hymn writ­ing was his av­o­ca­tion.

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Total 1 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 1.
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Seu Sangue Tem Poder (Power in the Blood) klebermusic (6)
4344d ago
12 Piano, Cello, Guitar, Trumpet, Violin, Clarinet, Flute, Vocal, Saxophone, Viola, Organ, Horn, Bass, Trombone Original