Charles DeLaney

Charles DeLaney

Charles DeLaneyCharles DeLaney has been Professor of Flute at Florida State University in Tallahassee since 1976, and recently retired as Music Director of the Albany (GA) Symphony Orchestra. Before moving to Florida, Delaney taught at the University of Illinois (Urbana campus) for 25 years. A native of North Carolina, he holds degrees from Davidson College (B.S. in Psychology and Education), the Conservatory of Lausanne, Switzerland (Virtuosity in Flute), and The University of Colorado (M.M. in Flute and Composition). His major teachers were Lamar Stringfield, Rex Elton fair, Edmund Defrancesco, Alfred Fenboque, and Marcel Moyse.

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teachers' guide: flute marc20134 (7)
4963d ago
44 Flute Original