Stanislao Gastaldon

Stanislao Gastaldon

Stanislao GastaldonMartino Stanislao Luigi Gastaldon (April 8, 1861 – March 6, 1939) was an Italian composer, primarily of salon songs for solo voice and piano. However, he also composed instrumental music, two choral works, and four operas. Today, he is remembered almost exclusively for his 1881 song "Musica proibita" ("Forbidden Music"), still one of the most popular pieces of music in Italy. Gastaldon also wrote the lyrics for some of his songs, including "Musica proibita", under the pseudonym Flick-Flock. He was born in Turin and after a peripatetic childhood studied music there and in Florence. By 1900, he had settled permanently in Florence, where he died at the age of 77. In his later years he also worked as a voice teacher, music critic, and art dealer.

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Total 1 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 1.
Song Added By Pages Instruments Sheet Type File
Musica Proibita - Medium Voice mzliao (7)
4972d ago
5 Piano, Vocal Other