Luis Eduardo Galián
If there is something that distinguishes maestro Luis Eduardo Galián within the musical world, it is his beautiful bonus entitled Esta bella noche. There is no singer, group, ensemble or orchestra that has not included this emblematic song in its Christmas musical repertoire, which has more than 100 versions, including the voices of Morella Muñoz and Ilan Chester.
Born in Caracas on February 7, 1957 and from Sarría, Luis Eduardo Galián is a leading representative of the choral world. The contribution to the cultural, artistic and musical heritage of Venezuela makes his person a living artistic heritage.
Born in Caracas on February 7, 1957 and from Sarría, Luis Eduardo Galián is a leading representative of the choral world. The contribution to the cultural, artistic and musical heritage of Venezuela makes his person a living artistic heritage.

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