Alexandra Pappas

Alexandra Pappas

Alexandra PappasAlexander Pappas is a Greek sitizend. He has studied Composition and Harmony near Prof.
Nestor Teylor and with varius frends,He has composed several orchestral pieces for audiovisual
productions and pieces that accompany poetic collector collections.He has also circulated private CD
s with his works (Cantilena, Tales of the Forest, Feelings,
Musical Sound Shades, Cantabile). Some of his works were played at Fairy talesFestival s in
Greece.and in varius conserts with his quartet.He has published a book with 11 compositions for
piano.He is the artistic director of a string quartet, composed of members of major State Orchestras.
the f- string quartet.His quartet gives concerts with classical and movie repertoire compositions in
various halls in Greece. Also in varius events.He has also taken up artistic Photography witch led him
to receive many awards for his Fine Art Photos In 2007 He received the 2nd price of Xon-unesco
composition challenge (Greece). Sum of his music compos.was played (world premiere)from the
Sphaera Ensemble , in Brazil.and from the Nigun quartet in Calabria-Italy.He works actualy for a
French Book edition
for a insert of a CD wit

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Total 1 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 1.
Song Added By Pages Instruments Sheet Type File
Music On The Floor Shebulba (12)
4971d ago
5 Clarinet, Flute, Percussion Original