Michał Marcin Mioduszewski

Michał Marcin Mioduszewski

Michał Marcin MioduszewskiMichał Marcin Mioduszewski (born September 16, 1787 in Warsaw, † May 30, 1868 in Krakow) was a Polish Roman Catholic priest of the Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Vincent de Paul, collector and publisher of religious songs.
His main merit is the collection and publication of hymns in Polish. His Śpiewnik kościelny z melodyjami ("Church hymn book with melodies") appeared in 1838 and was supplemented by three supplements in 1842, 1853 and 1854. He also published a volume of Polish Christmas carols in 1843, Pastorałki i kolędy z melodyjami. With these collections he made a significant contribution to the development of Polish liturgical music.He was buried in the tomb of the Vincentines in section Y of the Rakowicki cemetery in Kraków.

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zwyciezca smierci marcinmm (8)
4998d ago
1 Piano, Guitar, Vocal Transcription