The Superman film series consists of five superhero films based on the DC Comics character of the same name. The films contain storylines such as Superman's origin story, growing up in Smallville, fighting Kryptonian supervillains and Lex Luthor, romancing with Lois Lane, and returning to Earth after a long visit to Krypton. Warner Bros. has served as main distributor of all films.
Ilya and Alexander Salkind and Pierre Spengler purchased the Superman film rights in 1973. After numerous scripts, Richard Donner was hired to direct, filming Superman (1978) and Superman II (1980) simultaneously. Donner had already shot 80% of Superman II before it was decided to finish shooting the first film. Richard Lester finished with II and returned for Superman III (1983). Cannon Films acquired the film rights, resulting in Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987). With over 15 years of development for a fifth Superman film, Superman Returns (2006) was released, directed by Bryan Singer. Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut was released the same year.
Ilya and Alexander Salkind and Pierre Spengler purchased the Superman film rights in 1973. After numerous scripts, Richard Donner was hired to direct, filming Superman (1978) and Superman II (1980) simultaneously. Donner had already shot 80% of Superman II before it was decided to finish shooting the first film. Richard Lester finished with II and returned for Superman III (1983). Cannon Films acquired the film rights, resulting in Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987). With over 15 years of development for a fifth Superman film, Superman Returns (2006) was released, directed by Bryan Singer. Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut was released the same year.
Superman Latest Sheets Feed
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Total 4 sheet(s) found, listing between 0 - 4.
Song | Added By | Pages | Instruments | Sheet Type | File |
You've got possibilities. |
Cassieok (4)
4908d ago
2 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Transcription | |
Five for fighting |
willemijn22 (14)
5089d ago
4 | Piano | Original | |
can you read my mind |
stretch610keys (3)
5355d ago
1 | Piano, Guitar, Violin | Transcription | |
Five for fight |
lucasbenini (1)
5357d ago
5 | Piano | Transcription |